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A Letter from the Pastoral Coordinator
Dear Families,
This year, Catholic Relief Services’ Rice Bowl Lenten program marks 50 years of engaging U.S. Catholics in global solidarity. CRS Rice Bowl provides opportunities for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving through the Rice Bowl, Lenten calendar, and web resources (https://crsricebowl.org). Over the years, I have enjoyed watching videos with my children to learn about the featured countries, cooking meatless meals from around the globe, and reviewing the calendar together at dinner. At his very moment, millions of people are facing life-threatening levels of hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition. At the root of the crisis is a perfect storm of poverty, climate change, conflict, and inequality. The situation is made more dire by cuts to international aid and staffing (CRS stateside has had to lay off 50% of their employees and many overseas CRS employees are now out of work as well). This year, more than ever, we can step up as a Catholic community to recommit ourselves to breaking the cycle of hunger for every community around the world and answer Jesus’ invitation to give food to the hungry so that all may live with dignity. Make sure to take a Rice Bowl from the school or the entryway of the church and put it on your dinner table this Lent. We will collect donations on Holy Thursday or you can give online at https://crsricebowl.org/donate.
Peace, Jennifer Ibach jibach@stedwardparish.net
Stations of the Cross and Lenten Meals

All are invited to join us for weekly Stations of the Cross and Lenten Meals every Friday. We will pray the Stations of the Cross at 6pm in the Church and then share a Lenten, meatless meal in the Hall. Our four South Seattle Parishes will rotate hosting each week. Join us this Friday, March 21 at St. Peter and the following Friday, March 28 at St. Paul. We provide guides to help you pray the Stations and reflect on the Passion of Jesus.

Loco Moco Breakfast at St. Peter
After a long, cold winter, treat yourself with a comforting taste of sunshine! Join us for a Loco Moco Breakfast on Sunday, March 23 at 9:30am at St. Peter Parish Hall, hosted by the Knights of Columbus, and indulge in a meal that brings the warmth of tropical paradise to your plate. Cost is $10/plate and proceeds will support the Knights mission to raise funds for seminarians, Pennies for Heaven and LAMB (Least Among my Brothers).

Register for the 4th Annual Day of Service
Although the deadline has passed, nine projects still have space (including our High School project at West Seattle Clothesline) so be sure to sign up soon to join us for the 4th Annual Day of Service on April 5. Make new friends, volunteer with your family, give back to the community and put your faith into action all is one day! Remember we offer drop-in projects to accommodate those who need a more flexible schedule. Drop by the St. George School Hall or Our Lady of Guadalupe Gym starting at 9am to “Craft for a Cause”. Register at https://app.formcrafts.com/31e6f0c3 For a full list of projects and times, go to https://olgseattle.org/day-of-service Projects with openings: Seattle Seafarers Center organizing donations, Santa Teresita clothing room creation, St. George Drop-in Projects, Tri-Parish Food Bank in Burlington, West Seattle Clothesline for High Schoolers, Pray the Rosary together at St. George, and Ronald McDonald House, Camp Second Chance and Plymouth Housing meals Looking for service hours? Help us prepare craft supplies, set up at 12:30pm on April 4, or cleanup at 1pm on April 5. Contact Jennifer at jibach@stedwardparish.net

Disability Inclusion Mass and Dance
All are invited to a celebration of diversity in our Catholic faith community at the Disability Inclusion Jubilee Mass and Spring Fling Dance on Saturday, March 22. Mass is at 11am at St. James Cathedral and is followed by a dance and lunch from 12-2:30pm at the Isaac Orr Conference Room (910 Marion Street, Seattle). For information, contact Miguel Smith at Miguel.smith@seattlearch.org.
Tolton Novena: March 23-31
The Black Catholic Advisory Circle presents a virtual Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of our Communities from Sunday, March 23-Monday, March 31. This is a special time of prayer in which people all over the world call to God through the intercession of Venerable Father Augustus Tolton for the spiritual welfare of the diverse American community. Learn more and register at https://bcacseattle.org/upcoming.
