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Parish News 3/14/25

Writer: Jennifer IbachJennifer Ibach

A Letter from the Pastoral Coordinator

Dear Families,

This year, the Archdiocese of Seattle is celebrating its 175th Anniversary!  To honor our local history while embracing our Catholic social teachings, the Archdiocese of Seattle is hosting a “Season of Service” from March 1-May 31.  Together local Catholic schools, parishes, ministries, and families are invited to participate with the goal of reaching 175,000 collective hours of service across Western Washington!  The Archdiocese is providing opportunities to volunteer with local Catholic agencies, which can be found at 


Our 4th Annual Day of Service is happening during the Season of Service on Saturday, April 5 and provides an opportunity for individuals and families of all ages, abilities, and schedules to volunteer at one of 25 local agencies working on the environment, hunger alleviation, immigration, family support, and more!  We will be logging our Day of Service hours on the Archdiocese’s Season of Service website.  You can be part of the effort by registering for the Day of Service by this Sunday, March 16 at  You can view a full list of project options here:  Put your faith into action, give back to your community, and be part of a movement to serve in Western Washington!  Note: you can log any personal volunteering you do on your own or through groups like St. Vincent de Paul, sandwich making, etc. at 

Peace, Jennifer Ibach

Stations of the Cross and Lenten Meals

All are invited to join us for weekly Stations of the Cross and Lenten Meals every Friday.  We will pray the Stations of the Cross at 6pm in the Church and then share a Lenten, meatless meal in the Hall.  Our four South Seattle Parishes will rotate hosting each week.  Join us tonight, Friday, March 14 at St. George and the following Friday, March 21 at St. Peter.  We provide guides to help you pray the Stations and reflect on the Passion of Jesus.     

Lenten Bible Study: The Passion of Christ

The Passion Lenten Bible Study begins next Tuesday, March 18 at St. George in the St. Francis room from 6:30-8pm.  In a four-week study from the Gospel of Luke,  we will explore Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper, Agony in the Garden, Jesus' trials and crucifixion, His burial and resurrection. We will use the Catechism as well as the Old and New Testament for our study.  Suggested donation is $5.00.  Please join us, bring your Bible and Catechism or have access on your phone.  Please sign up in the entryway of the church or email Jennifer at, so we have enough materials for everyone.  All are welcome!

Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl: A Recommitment to End Hunger

Since 1975, Catholics across the United States have come together each Lent to respond to global hunger through the CRS Rice Bowl program. Learn how people like you have made a local and global impact on the lives of our sisters and brothers in need and why our prayers and almsgiving are still needed today.  During this holy season, let us recommit to sharing bread for life with our global family so that all people can reach their God-given potential. Visit to read this week’s Story of Hope. 

Loco Moco Breakfast at St. Peter

After a long, cold winter, treat yourself with a comforting taste of sunshine!  Join us for a Loco Moco Breakfast on Sunday, March 23 at 9:30am at St. Peter Parish Hall, hosted by the Knights of Columbus, and indulge in a meal that brings the warmth of tropical paradise to your plate.  Cost is $10/plate and proceeds will support the Knights mission to raise funds for seminarians, Pennies for Heaven and LAMB (Least Among my Brothers). 


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