Principal's Message
This third week of Advent, we celebrate JOY and the joyful anticipation of Christ’s coming. Please join us for all-school Mass on Friday at 8:30 AM!
Key Updates
CYO Volleyball: Grades 4-8 registration closes on Jan. 3rd for players and coaches. Register Here
Grade 4 is CO-ED.
Grades 5-8 can have both boys’ and girls’ teams.
January Hot Lunch Orders: Due tomorrow, Dec. 19th at 8:00 AM.
K-8 Report Cards: Go home tomorrow, Dec. 19th. Please sign and return envelopes.
Preschool/PreK Progress Reports: Also go home this week.
2025 Magic Auction: Have you made your donation?
Buy tickets (early bird tables of 10 on sale now).
Become a sponsor.
Donate an item or dessert.
Thurs. Dec. 19: Advent Concert (Preschool-8th Grade) at 6:30 PM in the church. Doors open at 6:00 PM. 8th grade Bake Sale after in St. Francis room. No food, drink, or hats in the church.
Fri. Dec. 20: First Trimester Honor Roll Assembly at 11:00 AM in the school hall. 12:00 PM dismissal for Preschool-8th Grade. NO EXTENDED CARE.
Reminders/Additional Information
FULCRUM Tuition Assistance: Applications for K-8 are due by Dec. 31, 2024. Apply Here.
Wishing You Joyful Holidays!
All of us wish you a joyful Christmas and a restful vacation. May the peace of Christ be with you all. See you in 2025!
Monica Wingard
