Principal's Message
Wild wind storm last night! My home lost power; I got ready by flashlight this morning. I track power and road safety issues in the Seattle area, especially Beacon Hill, and communicate with staff.
If school closure or schedule changes are needed, I will send an emergency text blast to families and staff by 6:30 AM.
If you feel it's unsafe to travel to school, staying home is fine. It will be an excused absence, but please notify the office.
With colder temperatures, make sure your child wears a warm coat (hats, scarves, and gloves optional). We go outside daily, regardless of temperature. Check the Lost and Found on the stage for missing items.
Welcome to Elsie Sullivan, our new Community Relations & Digital Director! She will work with Jessica Louie, Development Director, to advance fundraising and community engagement. Both are part-time but make an awesome leadership team for our community!
Key Updates
2024 Auction News: Each family should have received procurement forms. As part of your $500 fundraising commitment (Jogathon and auction), we ask each family to procure sponsors or items for bid. Deadline: Feb. 28th.
Sponsorship/Procurement Contest: Each donation earns points for your child’s class. Winning class by Jan. 10th gets a Banana Split Party and extra recess. We need donated experiences like gift cards, events, concerts, museums, SPAs, and vacation getaways.
Important Dates
Nov. 21: Watch St. George on King 5 News New Day Northwest at 11:00 AM. Featuring a discussion on the Fulcrum Foundation's impact, with a segment filmed here at St. George.
Fri. Nov. 22: Thanksgiving Dinner donation items due at 8:00 AM. No Mass; students will have a Faith Family activity.
Tues. Nov. 26: Grandparents Luncheon, 11:30-1:00. Playground gate opens at 11:00 for parking.
Wed. Nov. 27: 2:00 PM Dismissal for Thanksgiving Weekend. No extended care for preschool-8th grade.
Fri. Dec. 6: Shoe Boxes of Joy due by 8:00 AM, will be blessed at 8:30 Mass and sent to Catholic Community Services.
Fri. Dec. 6: PREPARES Christmas Gifts due at 8:00 AM to the main office.
Reminders/Additional Information
December Hot Lunch Orders: Due by Friday, Nov. 22. No late orders accepted.
FULCRUM Tuition Assistance: Application is open for Grades K-8. Deadline: Dec. 31, 2024. Apply here: FULCRUM Foundation.
Have a wonderful weekend!
In peace,
Monica Wingard