Fifth Grade Curriculum
Welcome to St. George's Fifth Grade Curriculum page! Here, you'll find an overview of the engaging and comprehensive education we provide, encompassing religion, reading, language arts, math, science, and social studies, all designed to foster your child's growth and development.

St. George teachers follow the religion standards put forth by the Archdiocese of Seattle. Standards are tied to the 6 tasks of Catechesis:
1. Knowledge of the Faith
2. Liturgical Education
3. Morality/Life in Christ
4. Prayer
5. Life, Community, and History of the Church
6. The Church’s Missionary Life and Service
All students get the opportunity to participate in weekly Monday morning prayer services and participate in weekly all school Mass.
All K-8 students are divided into cross grade Faith Families that meet monthly and focus on a Catholic Social Teaching and works of service to our community.
The main concepts focused on in 5th grade are:
​The Church Sacraments
The Catholic Social Teaching: The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
To help with the understanding of the dignity of work 5th graders participate in Safety Patrol throughout the whole school year. 5th grade leads the school in Stations of the Cross on Good Friday.
St. George follows Common Core State Standards for Reading Informational and Literature texts and Reading Foundational skills.
Key Ideas and Details
Quote a text when making inferences about a text.
Determine the theme and make connections between different ideas and characters in a text.
Support and summarize the main idea of a text using text evidence
Compare and contrast different story elements.
Craft and Structure
Determine the meaning of words phrases as they are used in a text
Explain how the narrator's point of view influences how events are described
Compare and contrast the structure of a text.
Analyze different accounts of the same event.
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Explain how media elements contribute to a text.
Compare and contrast stories of the same genre.
Draw on information from multiple sources.
Explain how authors use reasons and evidence to support points in a text.
In the 5th grade we use novel studies to work on our reading comprehension skills. Some of the books we read are: Esperanza Rising, Hoot, Holes Bud Not Buddy. Books may vary each school year. Using the 95 Phonics Core Program, students receive direct and explicit instruction in phonics, morphology and fluency by studying and applying patterns in the English language. We use the Wordly Wise 3000 level 5 Curriculum to work on vocabulary skills. We use Achieve 3000 for individual online nonfiction reading practice.​
Language Arts
St. George follows Common Core State Standards for writing, language, speaking and listening.
Each trimester will focus on a different type of writing.
First Trimester: Narrative Writing
Second Trimester: Informational Writing
Third Trimester: Opinion Writing
​Students will write multiple paragraph essays as well as shorter pieces in each type.
Students will type their writing on Google Docs and Google Slides
We use the Exercise in English Level E Curriculum for grammar instruction
St. George follows Common Core State Standards for Math and Mathematical Practices. Math work focuses on the process and understanding of concepts, problem-solving in a variety of ways, discussing and explaining math concepts and work and applying the skills students have learned to solve new problems.
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Analyze patterns and relationships using one or more rules
Write and interpret numerical expressions
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Understanding the place value system up to the billions. Including writing numbering using powers of ten with exponents, standard, expanded form, and word form. As well as ordering, comparing, and rounding numbers.
Adding and subtracting multi digit numbers using the standard algorithm.
Multiplying multi digit numbers with decimals with the standard algorithm.
Divide whole numbers with two digit divisors.
​Numbers & Operations - Fractions
Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions.
Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions.
Measurement & Data
Convert like measurement units within a given measurement system.
Represent and interpret data.
Understand concepts of volume and relate volume to multiplication and addition.
Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problem
Classify two-dimensional figures into categories based on their properties.
We use the Progress of Mathematics Curriculum for Fifth Grade and we use IReady Math for online individual math practice.
St. George follows Next Generation Science Standards for fifth grade. The three main units that we focus on each year are:
Matter and Its Interactions:
What is matter
Physical and Chemical Reactions
Earth’s Place in the Universe:
Earth's Movements
Earth's distance from the Sun and Moon
Earth’s Systems:
Fresh and Saltwater
Water Cycle
Earth's Biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere
Students also take part in an 8 week coding course through Coding For Kids.
Social Studies
St. George teachers follow social studies learning standards created by Washington State in the categories of civics, economics, geography, and history.
The Structure of the United States Government
Exploration of the Americas​
Colonial America
The Revolutionary War
European Settlement and its effect on native peoples
We use many different websites to enhance learning.
Google Classroom For posting online materials and assignments
Google slides and docs- For essays and presentations
Achieve 3000- Individualized reading instruction.
iReady Math - Individualized Math Practice
Quizlet - Online Vocabulary Practice
Powerschool- Online Gradebook
Field Trips
Field Trips will vary year to year as opportunities arise
Museum of Flight
Students take part in the Challenger Learning Center program as part of our science unit on space.
Park Restoration with EarthCorp
Students give back to the community by volunteering at Genesee park n learning about how invasive species of plants can take over native species of plants.​
See Music page for details.
Physical Education
See PE page for details.
See Art page for details.