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Third Grade Curriculum 

Welcome to St. George's Third Grade Curriculum page! Here, you'll find an overview of the engaging and comprehensive education we provide, encompassing religion, reading, language arts, math, science, and social studies, all designed to foster your child's growth and development.



St. George teachers follow the religion standards put forth by the Archdiocese of Seattle. Standards are tied to the 6 tasks of Catechesis:


1. Knowledge of the Faith
2. Liturgical Education
3. Morality/Life in Christ
4. Prayer
5. Life, Community, and History of the Church
6. The Church’s Missionary Life and Service

All students get the opportunity to participate in weekly Monday morning prayer services and participate in weekly all school Mass. 


All K-8 students are divided into cross grade Faith Families that meet monthly and focus on a Catholic Social Teaching and works of service to our community. 


3rd graders continue to build upon their prior knowledge of all essential concepts found in the Catechism from grade 2. A couple areas of focus include:


  • Growing in the knowledge of our faith through learning about the lives of the Saints and exploring how we can live our lives with their example

  • Memorizing the Apostles’ Creed and Come, Holy Spirit prayers


Weekly Social Emotional Lessons using Second Step Curriculum helps students learn skills to help with empathy and learning, emotion management, and problem solving. This is combined with their prior knowledge of how the brain works with their emotions using BrainTalk Curriculum. Students also participate in weekly Community Circle activities to build stronger skills and connections in areas which the class needs most.




St. George follows Common Core State Standards for Reading Informational and Literature texts and Reading Foundational skills.


Key Ideas and Details

  • Ask and answer questions, referring explicitly to examples in a text

  • Recount stories with central message, describe characters

  • Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details

  • Describe the connections between events, ideas, or information in a text

Craft and Structure

  • Determine the meaning of words and phrases

  • Know and use various text features and overall structure to locate key information

  • Refer to structural elements of stories, dramas, and poems when writing or speaking

  • Compare and contrast personal point of view and narrators

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

  • Make connections between texts and visual or oral presentations

  • Compare and contrast similar themes and topics in stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures

  • Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words

  • Read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension


We use a variety of reading materials including stories within our Journey’s textbook and various articles related to content in religion, social studies, or science. Students also read novels in small reading groups which may include books by a variety of diverse author’s including Alma Flor Ada, Mae Respicio, Grace Lin, Mitali Perkins, Lenore Look, or Asia Citro.


Using 95 Phonics Core Program, students receive direct and explicit instruction in phonics, morphology and fluency by studying and applying patterns in the English language. 


Language Arts

St. George follows Common Core State Standards for writing, language, speaking and listening. 


  • Writing:

    • Use of the writing process to create opinion, informative/explanatory, and narrative writing pieces. 

    • Conduct short research projects and present findings

    • Writing skills are integrated into all content areas and developed with cross-curricular projects

  • Language:

    • Conventions of standard English grammar and usage, when writing or speaking

    • Conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation and spelling when writing

    • Determine the meaning of unknown or multiple-meaning words based on reading and content

    • Understanding of figurative language, word relationships and word meanings



St. George follows Common Core State Standards for Math and Mathematical Practices. Math work focuses on the process and understanding of concepts, problem-solving in a variety of ways, discussing and explaining math concepts and work and applying the skills students have learned to solve new problems. 


Operations and Algebraic Thinking

  • Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division (through 12)

  • Understand properties of multiplication

  • Relate multiplication and division

  • Solve multi-step story problems using the four operations (including an unknown variable)

  • Identify arithmetic patterns


Numbers & Operations in Base Ten

  • Round to the nearest 10 & 100

  • Fluently add and subtract within 1000

  • Multiply by multiples of 10


Numbers & Operations-Fractions

  • Develop understanding of fractions as numbers-represent fractions in multiple formats

  • Find equivalent fractions and compare fractions


Measurement & Data 

  • Tell & Write time to the nearest minute; measure time intervals

  • Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses

  • Draw scaled picture and bar graphs

  • Measure length to the nearest ¼ in and represent data on a line plot

  • Solve to find area and perimeter (including unknown lengths)



  • Compare shapes based on their attributes (focus on quadrilaterals)

  • Partition shapes and express area with fractions




St. George follows Next Generation Science Standards. The standards are tied to life science, earth & space science and physical science. 


Earth Systems/Weather & Climate:

  • Explore weather and climate, and weather-related hazards

  • Create a structure that reduces the impact of weather-related hazards

Life Cycles/Inheritance/Interdependence:

  • Explore patterns in life cycles of plants and animals

  • Explore plant/animal inheritance and variation including environmental influences, environmental change, and advantageous characters of individuals/groups


  • Investigate balanced and unbalanced forces including predictable patterns of motions

  • Explore cause and effect relationships of electric and magnetic forces



Social Studies

St. George teachers follow social studies learning standards created by Washington State in the categories of civics, economics, geography, and history.


  • Civics

    • Explore unity and diversity, rules and laws

    • Describe basic organization of government and communities

    • Describe basic tribal organizational structures

  • Economics

    • Explore costs and benefits of individual choices

    • Explain basics of trade and taxes

  • Geography

    • Investigate regions of North America using maps

    • Explain how the environment affects cultural groups and vice versa

  • History

    • Explore how various cultural and ethnic groups shape the history of communities and the world​




One-to-one with a Chromebook​​​​​​​

  • Students access a variety of materials and resources. 

Google Classroom 

  • Access learning materials and games in class and at home.

  • Complete typed assignments and digital work. 


  • Personalized instruction in math and reading, which targets skill gaps to help students who are behind access grade-level content, and it provides challenges and enrichment for students who are on grade level.



Field Trips

May include:

  • Seattle Children’s Theatre 

    • Learn about various historical events or social skills through current offerings​

  • Burke Museum

    • Visit includes exploration of our science and social studies curriculums​




See Music page for details.



Physical Education

See PE page for details.




See Art page for details.


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