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Second Grade Curriculum 

Welcome to St. George's Second Grade Curriculum page! Here, you'll find an overview of the engaging and comprehensive education we provide, encompassing religion, reading, language arts, math, science, and social studies, all designed to foster your child's growth and development.



St. George teachers follow the religion standards put forth by the Archdiocese of Seattle. Standards are tied to the 6 tasks of Catechesis:


1. Knowledge of the Faith
2. Liturgical Education
3. Morality/Life in Christ
4. Prayer
5. Life, Community, and History of the Church
6. The Church’s Missionary Life and Service

Core religion concepts taught in the second grade include:


  • All 7 Sacraments, with in-depth focus’ on Baptism, Penance and Reconciliation and Eucharist.

  • Parts of the Mass

  • Service is a big part of each grade-level and 2nd grade has a few projects they participate in each year to help our community.

  • Bible stories that correlate with lessons and seasons. 

  • Stories of saints and church celebrations in each liturgical season.  

  • Prayer, memorization of key prayers and also the many different forms it can take.​




In 2nd Grade, we are strengthening the foundation of reading by using Structured Literacy which uses systematic, explicit instruction. We use a variety of research-based strategies and curriculum to build a strong foundation for future reading success.


Students read literacy rich grade level text with comprehension strategies embedded within each story. The focus is also on high frequency words, decodable texts, 95 Percent Group evidence-based phonics, phonograms, Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Program, and small group skilled instruction to meet the needs of all students.


The small groups focus on decoding, fluency comprehension building of fiction and nonfiction, vocabulary, and phonemic awareness.  Students’ progress is monitored by our reading specialist and adjustments are made to support learning of all students and further their reading skills. 



Second grade writing builds through the year.  Starting with the basics of sentences, moving to building paragraphs and finally to a report.  Some of the topics and projects include:

  • Informational Writing

    • Dinosaur research paragraph​

    • Animal Habitat research paragraph

    • Black History research report

    • Seattle research report

  • Persuasive Writing

    • Christmas wish list paragraph​

    • Comparative paragraph of a story in different two media

  • Narrative Writing

    • “Best Day Ever” paragraph​

    • Favorite story retells with illustrations



St. George students follow the Common Core State Standards in math. CCSS for math are focused in four critical areas:

  • Extending understanding of base-ten notation

  • Building fluency with addition and subtraction

  • Using standard units of measurement

  • Describing and analyzing shapes

The following is a list of math skills to be addressed in second grade:

  • Place value within 1,000 (hundreds, tens and ones)

  • Compare three-digit numbers using <, >, or =

  • Fluently add up 1000 using a variety of strategies

  • Fluently subtract up 1000 using a variety of strategies

  • Solve addition and subtraction word problems up to 100 using a variety of strategies

  • Quick recall of math facts to 20 (math facts)

  • Build and read various graphs

  • Identify coins and count money up to $5

  • Tell time to the minute

  • Accurately measure items using standard and metric system

  • Understanding shapes, knowing their names and attributes



St. George teachers work within the Next Generation Science Standards.  In 2nd grade, the five topics focused on are:


  • Studying Properties and Interactions


  • Identifying interactions within systems

  • Discussing outside cause and effects to systems


  • Observing diversity of life in different habitats


Earth’s Systems:

  • Identifying that natural resources like water and wind can change the Earth

  • Understanding that changes to Earth can be slow or quick


Engineering Design

  • Developing plans to fix problems

  • Observing then making edits to construct a better design



Social Studies

St. George teachers follow social studies learning standards created by Washington State in the categories of civics, economics, geography, and history.

The following topics are discussed in 2nd grade:

  • History

    • Create timelines to help understand how Seattle grew.

    • The people and events that helped to shape Seattle.

  • Economics

    • Understand basic elements of a community’s economic system with focus on goods, services, consumer and producers.

  • ​Civics

    • Our rights and responsibilities within our community and country.

    • How and why our government was created the way it was.

  • ​Geography

    • Maps skills: able to create and read a map using a compass, title, grid, key and scale.



One-to-one with a Chromebook​​​​​​​

  • Students access a variety of materials and resources. 

Google Classroom 

  • Access learning materials and games in class and at home.


  • Personalized instruction in math and reading, which targets skill gaps to help students who are behind access grade-level content, and it provides challenges and enrichment for students who are on grade level.



See Music page for details.



Physical Education

See PE page for details.




See Art page for details.


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