First Grade Curriculum
Welcome to St. George's First Grade Curriculum page! Here, you'll find an overview of the engaging and comprehensive education we provide, encompassing religion, reading, language arts, math, science, and social studies, all designed to foster your child's growth and development.

St. George teachers follow the religion standards put forth by the Archdiocese of Seattle. Standards are tied to the 6 tasks of Catechesis:
1. Knowledge of the Faith
2. Liturgical Education
3. Morality/Life in Christ
4. Prayer
5. Life, Community, and History of the Church
6. The Church’s Missionary Life and Service
All students have the opportunity to participate in daily prayer, weekly Monday morning prayer services, and weekly all-school Mass. All K-8 students are divided into cross-grade Faith Families that meet monthly and focus on a Catholic Social Teaching Principle and works of service to our community.
Focus: God’s Creation, Jesus, and the Church
Core religion concepts taught in first grade include:
Caring for the gifts of God’s creation
Being loving followers or disciples of Jesus by following the Great Commandment
Belonging to the Church and celebrating the Seven Sacraments
Celebrating our faith at Mass and God’s love for us
Practicing daily prayers as a way of life to grow closer to Jesus
Catholic Social Teaching Principle Theme/Service to Others - Dignity of the Human Person – We Are All Children of God!
Steps to Respect – “Circle of Grace” Program
Social Emotional Skills Focus:
Developing a growth mindset and problem-solving skills
Setting personal goals
Practicing kindness and respect
Problem-solving skills
We Believe: God Loves Us (Sadlier/Catholic School Identity School Edition)
Holy Heroes
Second Step Program
A variety of trade books about Jesus, the saints, and special holy days
In 1st Grade, we are building the foundation of reading by using Structured Literacy which uses systematic, explicit instruction. A variety of research based strategies and curriculum are used to build a strong foundation for future reading success. Students read literacy rich grade level text with comprehension strategies embedded within each story. The focus is on high frequency words, decodable texts, 95 Percent Group evidence based phonics, phonograms, Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Program, and small group skill instruction to meet the needs of all students. The small groups focus on decoding, fluency, comprehension building of fiction and nonfiction, vocabulary, and phonemic awareness. Students’ progress is monitored by our reading specialist and adjustments are made to support learning of all students and further their reading skills.
Multisensory approach with whole and small group reading instruction. Individual book bins for independent reading.
95 Percent Group
Harcourt Journeys
A-Z leveled fiction and nonfiction books
Heggerty Phonemics Awareness Program
Fry Sight Words
Scholastic News
Phonics and Word Recognition:
Letter and sound recognition
Read consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words
Read words with digraphs and blends
Read and write the first 100 sight words on Fry’s Sight Word List
Engagement with grade-appropriate decodable texts to help reinforce their decoding of words and word fluency
​​​Language Arts
Grammar Focus:
Whole group instruction of parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, prepositions, and adverbs), using correct punctuation, and writing complete sentences with subject and predicate.
Textbook: Journeys Grammar
Writing Focus:
Whole group teaching followed by independent writing of narratives, opinion pieces, and informative texts, individual writing response journals.
Textbooks: Writers Workshop by Lucy Calkins, Handwriting without Tears
St. George students follow the Common Core State Standards in math. CCSS for math are focused in four critical areas:
Extending understanding of base-ten notation
Building fluency with addition and subtraction
Using standard units of measurement
Describing and analyzing shapes
Develop an understanding of addition and subtraction facts and strategies within 20.
Understanding of whole number relationships and place value, including grouping in tens and ones.
Understanding of using data to create simple graphs.
Recognizing and counting coins.
Telling time to the hour and half hour.
Reasoning and recognizing different attributes of geometric figures and composing and decomposing geometric shapes.
Understanding of linear measurement and using standard and nonstandard units of measurement.
Progress in Mathematics
St. George teachers work within the Next Generation Science Standards. In 1st grade, the standards include Waves: Light and Sound; Structure, Function, and Information Processing; Space Systems: Patterns and Cycles; and Engineering Design.
Plan and carry out investigations
Analyze and interpret data
Evaluate and communicate information.
Big Units:
Light and Sound
Animals and Habitats
Plants and Living Things
Next Generation Science Standards and Resources
Mystery Science
Scholastic News
Science Spin Magazine
Social Studies
St. George teachers follow social studies learning standards created by Washington State in the categories of civics, economics, geography, and history.
Develop an understanding of basic concepts and ideas from civics, economics, geography, and history focusing on the family and the ways they choose to live and work together.
Celebrate different cultures, traditions, and holidays throughout the year.
Scholastic News
Scholastic Trade Books
iReady Program
MAPS Testing
EPIC Books
Coding Class with IT Specialist
St. George teachers understand the importance of teaching to the whole child, spiritually, academically, and socially, so that students may become lifelong learners in an ever-changing world.
Weekly Classes in Art, Music, and Physical Education.
Star of the Week and sharing “All About Me” posters with the class/Show and Tell also called Class Sharing.
Reading Buddies with Middle Schoolers throughout the year.
Field Trips to Seattle Children’s Film Festival and Museum of Flight, in-house field trip with the traveling Children’s Theatre.
See Music page for details.
Physical Education
See PE page for details.
See Art page for details.